Raichur is mostly preferred by travelers. The go to destination for types of travelers, be it family, kids and couples, Raichur is, however, mostly preferred. The best season or months to visit places in Raichur are February, March, October, November, and December. There are 16 tourist places in Raichur, which can be explored by travelers. Local attractions can be visited at any time of the day, be it early morning, afternoon, evening or night, as suitable for travelers.
1. Raichur Fort
The Raichur Fort is the most popular attraction of Raichur city. The fort was built by the Kakatiya rulers in 1294 AD. It is surrounded by double rows of massive low circuit walls on its three sides and is built on an 88 m high hill.
2. Koormagadde
Koormagadde, also known as Kurumakshetra or Kuravakala, is a popular village in the Raichur District, situated near Naradagadde. This place is famous for the Dattatreya Peetha and for the samadhi of Sripadavallabha Swami.
3. Kallur
Kallur is a large village situated in Manvi Taluk, around 21 km from the city of Raichur. This village is surrounded by an old wall and five gates that appear to belong to the Muslim period.
4. Bichal
Bichal is a mid-data-sized village situated in the district of Raichur. This village is mainly famous for the Matha of Sri Saviradevaru Channaveera Shivacharya Swami.
5. Markandeshwara Temple
The Markandeshwara Temple, situated in Kallur, is an important and one of the oldest shrines of Raichur city. The presiding deity of this temple is Lord Shiva, and his idol is present here in the form of Markandeshwara.