7 Ideas to lift up your drowning relationship with soul mate!

Sekar Chandra
If you are in a serious relationship and you feel that your earlier closeness with your companion have soured in recent times and looking for a breakthrough then it is definitely for you to read. Check these tips which would help you to maintain a long standing relationship and bring you both back close to heart.

1. Avoid interacting much.More you keep talking for sake as you both are companions, less you get the concern fpr both of you for each other. If you keep on talking on phone for 12 hours and then sleep, then when will you keep longing for their voice that woukd make some attractions.

2. Distance makes closer in heartAlways it is good to be apart from long distance ro maintain a long relationship. Definitely this wouldn't be agreed by a lot of lovers as they need to spend time with each other. But seeing data-faces daily wouldn't make your relationship stronger.

3. Know their expectationsFirst of all try to know their expectations from you which is the main thing you can do for them. If you know what they expect from you it is easy for you to make them happy.

4. Make them updated about you doingsShare your daily doings and happenings of your life even if it's weird just share to them everything which makes you both feel secure.

5. Talk about your love at extreme timesDuring his/her distress times talk about the love you have for them and the affection on them which would make them feel good during those situations.

6. Do things together Anything you do in daily stuff, do it together as possible! Like walking, shopping, movie time! Spend it together sharing time with each other.

7. Travel to meet eachother.If you both are at a distance which is reachable then travel and meet at times. It may be any distance, it makes you both feel lovely to travel and meet to spend time together.

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