Health hazards in drinking Energy Drinks


Type 2 diabetes: A high consumption of caffeine and carbohydrates which reduces insulin sensitivity or causes insulin resistance, increasing the risk of type 2 diabetes. 

Late miscarriages, Low birth weight and Stillbirths: Several studies on animals have found that extreme high doses of caffeine are teratogenic, and can cause mutations in the DNA of a fetus, leading to miscarriage. However, it's not clear what level of caffeine, if any, would cause this effect on humans.

Sugar: The large amounts of carbohydrates and sugar in energy drinks can lead to unnecessary increase in blood sugar, dental health problems, and an added weight gain. 

Dehydration: Large amounts of caffeine and sugar may lead to dehydration. And energy drinks are filled with both these components in abundance. Therefore, it is advised to keep one hydrated after consuming an energy drink.

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