Liger Collapses Everywhere - Vijay Deverakonda Cries - Box Office

The movie "Liger," starring Vijay Deverakonda, which was premiered in theatres amid much anticipation and promotional blitzkrieg, ended up being a catastrophic failure. The third day saw the complete collapse of the movie. On saturday, the telugu and hindi versions both received appalling ratings everywhere. Films like "Sita Ramam" and "Karthikeya 2" started generating high figures and packed house boards in rtc X roads. The viewers of "Liger" have altered their opinions and are returning to these movies.

"Liger" made little under $50,000 in the USA on Saturday. However, "Karthikeya 2" brought in more than $100,000. It presents "Liger" in its entirety. The exhibitors intend to substitute other films starting on monday at rtc X Roads. Distributors would suffer unfathomable losses as a result of the movie because the makers sold it for a premium price based on the hype. warangal Seenu, the distributor for Nizam, will be a complete disaster. Who is going to take the losses?

#Karthikeya2 [Telugu] saturday reported gross $91,668 [114 locs] and total gross $1,283,876 #Liger [Telugu] saturday reported gross $44,730 [341 locs] and total gross $711,634 #SitaRamam [Telugu] saturday reported gross $24,382 [35 locs] and total gross $1,309,922 

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