Why This Fuss When Telugu Stars Do It?

The manner in which the telugu film community and some viewers are criticizing the Netflix web series "Rana Naidu" is currently a topic of discussion worldwide. Some of them vented their dislike of the performance on social media, calling it the grossest, vilest, and most spiteful show ever. Nonetheless, one finds it difficult to comprehend these phony intellectuals.

They are the same telugu reviewers and people that praised films like Game of Thrones, Mirzapur, and Sacred Games, which have numerous love scenes, profanity, obscene language, and portrayals of individuals, especially the major characters, in public. These people are expressing their dissatisfaction with the series now that venky and Rana have indulged in using this language in order to satisfy the character's demands.
They are the same telugu reviewers and people that praised films like Game of Thrones, Mirzapur, and Sacred Games, which have numerous love scenes, profanity, obscene language, and portrayals of individuals, especially the major characters, in public. These people are expressing their dissatisfaction with the series now that venky and Rana have indulged in using this language in order to satisfy the character's demands.
One thing that is obvious is that most of them are startled that Telugu-speaking telugu stars have done such unadulterated things and find it difficult to process them. Yet, since they meant to create such an expletive show from the start, one must discuss the storyline of the program rather than the profanity. One may ask why they are making such a fuss, especially in light of some critics' claims that they are experiencing vomiting after watching the show. If you don't like profanity on OTT, then don't watch it, is the straightforward argument. Dot.

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