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Sindujaa D N

Sri lanka crisis: Due to the deteriorating economic situation in sri lanka, the popular daily 'The Island' stopped publishing its print edition due to lack of newsprint.

Due to the deteriorating economic situation in sri lanka, the popular daily "The Island" stopped publishing its print edition due to lack of newsprint.

The Island newspaper did not stop printing even for a single day during the fighting between the army and the LTTE in Sri Lanka. But now that the economic crisis in sri lanka has gotten worse, printing has stopped.

Worst case scenario

The Sri Lankan economy is moving towards a very bad state. The government has been unable to import fertilizers, pesticides and crude oil from abroad due to declining foreign exchange. Thus the Sri Lankan government forced the indigenous people to switch to traditional agriculture.

In no other way did Sri Lankan farmers engage in traditional, natural agriculture and suffer huge losses. As a result, food shortages occurred in sri lanka and the prices of cereals, rice and pulses began to rise.


Sri Lanka's economy is failing day by day, with foreign exchange reserves of barely $ 2.31 billion in February. The Sri Lankan rupee has lost about 275 percent of its value versus the US dollar. According to the Sri Lankan government, sri lanka has the highest inflation in Asia at 15.1 percent, with food inflation reaching 25 percent.

Due to the lack of government funds to buy paper, the school education sector in sri lanka is postponing even the exams for students. There is no paper available to print the books for the next season.

Version Stop

In this situation, the popular newspaper The Island stopped its print edition due to the lack of newsprint used to print newspapers.

In a statement to The Island on the front page of The Island yesterday, he said: We make this decision due to the lack of newsprint used to print newspapers. We regret that our environment is out of our control.

No import

From saturday (today) we will not print the newspaper. This is a temporary decision. We also reduced the pages of our newspaper and provided brief news. We import Newsprint from abroad. newspaper printing plate and ink are also imported. However, it could not import due to lack of foreign exchange

The war did not even stop

Since the inception of the newspaper in 1981, the printing of the newspaper has not stopped on any day other than the public holiday. Daily printing did not stop even during the war. We stopped because there were no people to distribute the newspapers during the Corona period. According to government sources, there will be a paper shortage for the next two months.

Newsprint is imported to sri lanka from Norway, Australia, indonesia and Russia. The Sri Lankan government was unable to buy dollars for imports due to a shortage of foreign exchange.

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