'Nayaki' is a Tamil-Telugu bi-lingual Retro Horror comedy directed by Goverdhan Reddy. The movie features Trisha and Ganesh Venkatraman in lead roles. The movie is produced by Giridhar Mamidipally who was Trisha's former PRO. He himself has produced the movie under Giridhar Production House banner.
Raghu Kunche has worked on the music and Sai Karthik provided background score. Technical team features Jagadeesh Cheekati and Gautham Raju for editing. Sushma Raj, Satyam Rajesh, Jayaprakash, Manobala, Kovai Sarala and Brahmanandam are part of the supporting cast.
After lots of barricades, the movie is gearing up for a massive release today. But there has been no buzz regarding the movie. The reason is, Trisha never participates in any promotional event.
When we tried to sneak inside the matter, we came to know that, Trisha was humiliated at an event. As she was wearing tight outfits, her assets were revealed and that has caused embarrassment. The actress completely ignored the rest of the promotional events too after that incident.