Shriya reveals on Hiding Pregnancy and getting back to Shape!

"But then I lost a close friend in the new wave," the performer continues. As a result, we felt unprepared (to make the announcement). We decided that I'd do it when we arrived in india and met my folks. I hadn't seen my folks in months. I traveled to spain for 2 weeks and returned 2 years later with a child. So I thought to myself, "Let me travel to india and visit her grandmother." In Moscow, she visited her ancestors, and later in Delhi.

Then I understood that now that I had waited far too long, I should let myself lose weight and be joyful and secure. Even while you're going through such a substantial and lovely process, it's also incredibly intense at times; you feel as if you've lost your body totally and then have to reclaim it. You experience a sense of contentment and assurance once you get it again. 

Perhaps it's just me; I'm not sure how everyone else feels. Being a mother made me feel beautiful, and I felt wonderful because I achieved it for me. I intended to revert to my previous appearance. Radha is the surname Shriya and Andrei have given to their child. “In Russian, it means cheerful, and in Sanskrit, it also means joyful. "That's why we kept the name Radha; both of her grandmothers like it," Shriya explains. So, who coined the phrase? "We were overjoyed when we found out it's a girl because I'd always desired a daughter.""

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