Simbu falls in Dhanush's Bait!?

frame Simbu falls in Dhanush's Bait!?

Dhanush, simbu who came automatically in aishwarya divorce.Dhanush Divorce: The divorce of dhanush and aishwarya has shocked simbu as well.
Dhanush and his romantic wife aishwarya Rajinikanth fell in love and got married. They are separated by two grown children.
The children are said to have already talked and decided to part ways with the grown-ups and waited. Apart from family, friends are also trying hard to keep dhanush and aishwarya together.

Simbu has spoken to dhanush in Hyderabad. The friend advised not to get divorced at all, live with aishwarya again.
Fans are proud to know about what simbu did. No matter what the competition with dhanush professionally, fans say that god is the mind that thinks he should have a better life. The children are said to have already talked and decided to part ways with the grown-ups and waited. Apart from family, friends are also trying hard to keep dhanush and aishwarya together.

Aishwarya is back to normal after the divorce announcement. It has been reported that he even goes to parties. dhanush is the one who is developing the tragedy.
Vathi sits alone without talking to anyone after she finishes acting in her scene on the film set. Eyewitnesses said it was a pity to see Dhanush's data-face.

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