Why Deepika showing middle fingers....?
It is learned that some photos of deepika padukone have recently gone viral on social media. Some fans were shocked to see these photos. deepika padukone, who reacts strongly to anyone's criticism of her, has also reacted strongly to the leak of her personal photos. deepika padukone, who came to the shooting spot the day after the photos were leaked, opened fire on the media. Simultaneously showing the middle finger and expressing outrage. A photo of deepika padukone showing her middle finger has gone viral.
However, the media will fire deepika padukone for doing so. While some people are of the opinion that it is common for photos of movie celebrities to be leaked but it is not right for deepika padukone to do so, deepika padukone is currently playing the lead role in the upcoming movie Pathan starring Shah Rukh Khan. It is known that the shooting is taking place in Spain. As part of this, deepika padukone took part in a bikini shoot and these photos were leaked on social media. It is learned that Shah Rukh Khan's photos have also been leaked in the past.