Vijay Devarkonda's shirt severely trolled..!? Shocking price..?
The information about the Costly shirt worn by Vijay devarakonda is currently trending on social media. He currently acted in the film 'Liger'. The film is jointly produced by puri Connects. This film is directed by puri Jagannath. The film also stars mike tyson, the internationally famous boxer from Liger. Vijay Devarakanda plays the role of a boxer in the film. Ever since he was young, he considered mike tyson his mentor and wanted to become a martial arts guru. In between, he falls in love with ananya Pandey. But mike tyson is the don of the whole gang. Then mike tyson kidnaps Vijay Devarakonda's girlfriend.
Did Vijay devarakonda get his girlfriend back in the end? The film has received mixed reviews among fans. In this case, the information about the mixed Devarakonda's different shirts has come out. movie celebrities usually wear different clothes. Many of them are wearing clothes from expensive brands.
Vijay Devar Konda is currently wearing a different shirt. He is wearing a different shirt from the brand 'Greg Lauren'. Different people were making fun of this. But, the price of this shirt is almost 69 thousand rupees.