This is the problem with Fatman Ravinder..!? Mahalakshmi's talk..!

frame This is the problem with Fatman Ravinder..!? Mahalakshmi's talk..!

Sowmiya Sriram
This is the problem with Fatman Ravinder..!? Mahalakshmi's talk..!

Ravinder said in an interview that Ravinder's first wife left him because of what Mahalakshmi had told him was his problem. This information is now going viral. Ravinder Chandrasekaran has produced some quality films in tamil through his company Libra. He is one of those celebrities who want to talk about some issues in the name of giving an opinion.
While his first marriage ended in divorce, last week, he married famous host and serial actress Mahalakshmi for about one and a half years. The couple, who were secretly in love, got married in a grand manner in Tirupati. Even when their wedding photos were released, many thought it was just a movie promotion. Only later did it come to light that it was indeed a marriage with parental consent. Even though it has been a week since their marriage, the information about them is being talked about a lot.
 Even though it has been a week since their marriage, the information about them is being talked about very hotly. Similarly, Mahalakshmi also said in a recent contest that her problem with Ravinder is that he is a producer because he is a producer and many people are criticizing this marriage news and making a big deal out of it. And it is noteworthy that if he was not a producer, no one would have made such a big deal about this matter.
The couple, who have been responding to the various criticisms surrounding them through interviews and photographs, their supporters are wishing them to live and respond to everyone.

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