Rashmika Mandanna recently went to a ceremony for awards, and she wore a striking attire as she walked the red carpet. The actress turned eyeballs with her dazzling outfit, which included an off-the-shoulder, long-trail black lace dress. As Rashmika's video appeared on social media, several internet users began tormenting her because they didn't like how she looked.
Body pr hai nhi kpde,piche ltka rkhe hai was one user's comment; "Behan ye bhi Q pehna hai" was another. While this was going on, admirers showered the diva with affection and comments like "Beautiful" and "Crushmika." Actress rashmika mandanna, who consistently draws admiration for her stylish attire, attracted a lot of attention recently by donning a striking black lace dress.
The actor exuded pzazz at a star-studded awards ceremony in mumbai last night while wearing an edgy off-the-shoulder lace outfit with a lengthy trail. The pushpa actor's images and videos have started making their way online, and admirers have been commenting on them. As soon as the images and videos of her daring outfit became popular on social media, she started receiving a lot of critical remarks.
Rashoo chose to wear nude makeup and finished off her appearance with a top knot messy hairstyle. She wore few accessories so that her clothing could speak for itself. It's interesting that the actor encountered haters for her choice of attire during the awards ceremony, with some likening her to Urfi Javed.