Altered Carbon was formerly a well-publicised television series. Along with an engaging plot, the series has a lot of nudity and sexual material. In any case, the Netflix ads were all over social media, especially YouTube, when the show started airing in indian homes. Recently, Netflix has been hit with a lawsuit for an insulting remark made against the star madhuri dixit in a 15-year-old Big Bang Theory episode. The streaming services are on shaky ground, especially in terms of global content.
The shows are typically altered or made presentable to fit indian sensibility and sensibilities, exactly like hollywood releases, according to a number of stipulations included in the licenses that are typically submitted. Frontal nudity, for instance, is entirely preventable in India. However, because indian consumers are so addicted to OTT content, they now prefer to watch the series unedited and in their original form.
There is a dichotomy between showing the episodes as a whole and tailoring them to indian audiences, even if there are certain restrictions on OTT in place. Additionally, the government maintains that it has provided an opportunity for innovation rather than vulgarity. Although some indians approve of the shows, others believe that having control is crucial.