Vijay's character changed recently..!?
In general, many celebrities who have acted with Vijay speak about him very calmly. Also, we have heard many people say that his character is shy. But now he is walking around in a slightly different character. I mean, Vijay is becoming very lively these days. How he spends a lot of time talking to the people at the shooting spot and copying them. Next, he would leave the place after chatting with the actors and crew members for at least an hour before leaving the caravan after the shooting was over. Not only that, but he is also talking about the performance of the people who have worked and praises him a lot.
Then Vijay is happily chatting with his two cousins. All this is very amazing to see. And everyone is talking very well about him saying that it is relaxing to work with him and they are very proud of Vijay.