The sequel to Rishab Shetty's popular film Kantara, titled Kantara 2, will examine the antecedents of many of the cultural practises that were highlighted in the first section. The movie was originally scheduled to begin production this month and be released by the summer of 2024. As the company is taking its time to finalise the script, actors, and crew because they have a large market and need to give the best, the filming schedule has reportedly been pushed back to august or September.
In an interview with the media earlier this year, Hombale Films founder Vijay Kirgandur disclosed that Rishab Shetty had already begun writing the script. The initial part of the movie must be shot in the rain, hence the monsoon season has been chosen as the shooting period. To learn more about the folklore he has depicted in his film Kantara, Rishab Shetty spent two months exploring the forests in the coastal region of Karnataka. The filmmakers are convinced that the audience will be equally enthralled by this movie, which will also be released across all of India.
Kantara was initially launched as a short film in Kannada, and after it became a huge hit, it was also released in Hindi, Tamil, Malayalam, and Telugu. Rishab Shetty wrote and directed this action-thriller movie, which is based on karnataka mythology. Kishore, achyuth Kumar, Sapthami Gowda, and Pramod Shetty all had significant roles in Kantara.