Small boss housemates strike..!? Irritates cpatain..!?

frame Small boss housemates strike..!? Irritates cpatain..!?

The Small Boss housemates have also spoken disparagingly of the captain who goes on hunger strike to starve the contestants in the bigg boss show. The 7th season of bigg boss is going on in full swing. 18 contestants participated in the event which started on october 1. ananya was eliminated Smalin the first weekend. After this, another contestant Bhava Chelaturai left midway due to ill health. Due to this, only 16 contestants are left in the bigg boss house. This week, Pradeep, Vijay Varma, Maya, Aishu, Cool Suresh, vishnu Vijay have been staying in the house of Sumal Boss. All of them have to cook for the people in the bigg boss house. But now the people in that house are on strike. Due to this, all the contestants in the bigg boss house are suffering without food to eat. Seeing that they were dying of hunger, Sumal Bose's family did not come forward to call off the strike. Due to this tension, this week's bigg boss captain Saravanan announces an important announcement.

While the contestants in the bigg boss house are not allowed to enter the Small Boss house, the captain is allowed to enter the house. So Saravanan goes into that house and says that this is his order that he is going to cook food for everyone. The housemates in the house of Sumal Boss are humiliating them by telling them to stop. The promo footage of this is going viral.

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