Look at Amitabh Bachchan talking about life and struggle!?


All the things that do not happen according to our reckoning also happen under the influence of some supernatural force. It will be many times better than our plan. Thus, once things don't go as planned, we should expect them to produce more good.

Bollywood actor amitabh bachchan has spoken 'eye-opening' to many. If one listens to amitabh bachchan, one cannot help but say, 'Yes, what he said is very intuitive'. amitabh said, 'My father preached many words to me. I have said them thousands of times. As we thought but it was good. It's still good if it doesn't happen once. If it does not happen according to our calculations, then it must be understood that it is happening according to the will of some other divine power. All the things that do not happen according to our reckoning also happen under the influence of some supernatural force. It will be many times better than our plan. Thus, once things don't go as planned, we should expect them to produce more good. If we set out to work on something and it doesn't happen, we have to leave it there and wait for another opportunity. Because it will be something that is beyond our efforts and will happen by God's choice.

 I told my father, 'My life is in conflict. My father replied, 'As long as there is life, there will always be conflict. There is always conflict in life. If life is not going easily, it means that something new is about to happen. It may bring profit or loss for tomorrow. But, there will definitely be a new challenge. I have experienced many bad moments in my life.

I have taken many bad events in my life for granted. I hope that something bad today means something good tomorrow. If nothing good happens tomorrow too, I think this is a preparation for something to happen a little later. All in all, I never lose hope in life. No matter what, I keep moving forward in life thinking that it is because of me or some supernatural power,' said Big B fame actor amitabh Bachchan.

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