Surprisingly, Nayanthara joins...

Nayanthara unexpectedly joins Annapoorani promotions. Annapoorani is generally acknowledged to be Lady Superstar Nayanthara's 75th film. On december 1, the picture was released. The wonderful thing is that the actress, who normally does not want to be involved in film marketing, has changed her mind about a historic picture. Nayanthara unexpectedly joins Annapoorani promotions.
Nayanthara always stipulated that she would not be engaged in the promotion of her picture, and she maintained the same protocol for large films as well. Annapoorani, her newest female-led film, was launched in theatres last weekend and earned positive reviews. Nonetheless, it was significantly hampered by the chennai rains, resulting in an unremarkable weekend for the picture with average box office statistics.
Nayanthara, on the other hand, joins Annapoorani promotions. She offered the cuisine to college students as part of Annapoorani's promotional efforts. Annapoorani is a heartwarming family film that tells the inspiring story of an orthodox Brahmin girl who aspires to be India's greatest chef. The movie is a clear telling of the traditional underdog story. According to reviewers, Nayanthara, often known as the Lady Superstar, delivered an enthralling performance. The major actors' performances in Nilesh Krishnaa's food-based play were praised.

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