Sunil Takes On KILLER NANI Role in Horror Sequel.!

Sindujaa D N
The film industry is currently witnessing a trend of producing sequels to previously released movies, and the horror movie "Geetanjali," starring anjali, is no exception. The original film was released in 2014, and now, after ten years, the sequel titled "Geethanjali Phir Rhai" is ready for release. In celebration of the New Year in 2024, the makers unveiled a special poster featuring anjali from the sequel.

 A recent update revealed an interesting addition to the cast—Tollywood hero-cum-comedian sunil will be portraying a character named Killer nani in the movie. sunil released a new poster featuring himself, standing in front of a haunted building with a hockey stick, creating anticipation among the audience. "Geetanjali Phir Rhai" marks Anjali's 50th movie in her career, and more than half of the shooting has already been completed, according to the makers. 

The New Year poster showcases anjali as a classical dancer, performing in an old building. Producers MVV Satyanarayana, Kona Venkat (who is also presenting the film), and JV, are reportedly shooting the movie on a Pan india scale without compromising on the budget. The sequel features the return of actors from the first part, including srinivas Reddy, Satyam Rajesh, Shakalaka Shankar, Satya, Sunil, ravi Shankar, and srikanth Iyengar in lead roles. 

The makers plan to release the film in Telugu, Tamil, Kannada, and malayalam languages. Directed by Siva Turlapati, a debutant director and choreographer of films like "Ninnu Kori" and "Nishabdam," the movie boasts praveen lakkaraju as the music director. The makers assert that this horror-comedy film is expected to surpass the previous standards set by films in the genre.

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