International recognition continues for Suri.. Berlin International Film Festival - Kotukkali will be screened!

Kottukkaali in Berlin: Kottukkaali is a movie directed by famous director Vinodraj. Popular actor Suri has played the lead role in this film.

P. was the assistant director of director Sarkunam, who worked as an assistant director with famous director AL Vijay. S Vinod Raj's childhood interest in film eventually led him to become a director and screenwriter. Vinod raj is the director who directed the film Pebbles which was produced by Vignesh Sivan and Nayanthara's Rowdy Pictures in 2021.

Kotukkali is the current film directed by him, and it is noteworthy that actor Suri has played the lead role in this film. The film was selected to be screened at the Berlin international Film festival in december last year while it is expected to release at the end of this February.

In this case, from 16th february to 25th, Kottukali movie has been screened at Merlin international Film festival as 5 special screenings. It is well known that recently actor Suri's movie "Seven seas Seven Hills" received huge recognition at the Rotterdam Film Festival. In this case, from 16th february to 25th, Kottukali movie has been screened at Merlin international Film festival as 5 special screenings. It is well known that recently actor Suri's movie "Seven seas Seven Hills" received huge recognition at the Rotterdam Film Festival.

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