Vijay went to pay tribute to the body of Vetri Duraisamy..!

frame Vijay went to pay tribute to the body of Vetri Duraisamy..!

It is reported that Thalapathy Vijay went to pay respects to Saithai Duraisamy's son Vetri Duraisamy after Thala ajith and returned to Vasalod. Why? Let's see what's up in this collection.

 Vetri is the son of former chennai Mayor Saidai Duraisamy. He went on a trip to himachal pradesh with his friends last month. After completing the tour, on february 4, when he was returning to chennai by car, there was an accident on the national highway located in Kasang Nala area. In this accident, the car got stuck and overturned in the river Sutlej.

While the driver died on the spot, Vetri's friend Gopinath escaped with severe injuries. But Vetri was swept away in the Duraisamy river and the search for her was going on for more than a week. After Saidai Duraisamy said that he would get a reward of 1 crore if he identified his son, some Dharnarvals also went down to the river and started searching. Yesterday i.e. almost 8 days later Vetri Duraisamy's body was found 6 kilometers from sutlej river.

 There was a delay in finding the body as the body was stuck between the rocks in the water. In this case, a swimmer went to the rock and safely came to the body of Vethi Duraisamy. Following this, political leaders and celebrities are paying tribute to the body of Vetri Duraisamy, which was brought to chennai today. In that way, Vetri Duraisamy's close friend and actor actor ajith has personally paid tribute to Vetri Duraisamy's body.

Following this, Thalapathy Vijay also went to pay his last respects to the late Vethi Duraisamy, but it is said that he was unable to pay his respects at the door. Even due to congestion, he returned without paying tribute to the body in victory. This information is out now.

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