Sajid Nadiadwala teams up with Rajinikanth for next

Producer sajid nadiadwala and actor Rajinikanth are prepared to work together. The announcement was announced by the director on X. He acknowledged the honour of collaborating with the renowned actor in a shared image on the social media network. "Working with the legendary @rajinikanth is a true honour," Sajid added. Respected Sir! As we get ready to set off on this incredible trip together, excitement is growing! (sic)."

The sports drama "Lal Salaam," which was helmed by his daughter Aishwarya, is where Rajinikanth was last seen. Rajinikanth had a lengthy appearance in the february 9 premiere of the movie, which starred vishnu vishal and vikranth in the key roles. Prominent in the bollywood scene, sajid nadiadwala is the creator of Nadiadwala Grandson Entertainment and has produced several popular films. He has two future projects: "Housefull 5" and "Chandu Champion."

Regarding his career, Rajinikanth most recently starred in Lal Salaam, which was directed by his daughter Aishwaryaa. In the sports drama film, Rajinikanth had a lengthy cameo appearance alongside vishnu vishal and vikranth in the key roles. When it was released on february 9, the movie bombed at the box office due to poor crowd reception. Rajinikanth featured in Jailer last year, which went on to become one of 2023's greatest successes.
Sajid Nadiawala, on the other hand, is a well-known bollywood director. In 1992, he made his production debut with Zulm Ki Hukumat. He has funded a number of significant initiatives over the years and produced some of the most popular hindi films.

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