Vicky Kaushal on the changing definition of stardom!?


Vicky Kaushal: Vicky does not consider himself a star, and says – that being a hit or trending in a film is not stardom

In response to the question whether actor vicky kaushal considers himself a star or not, he said, 'See, star does not mean that one of your films becomes a hit and you become a star or you start trending on social media and become a star. became. Being a star is a big thing in itself.

In the year 2023, two films by actor vicky kaushal were released and both films were a huge hit at the box office. He played the lead role in the film 'Sam Bahadur'. At the same time, he was seen with shahrukh khan in 'Dinky'. The audience liked Vicky in both characters. Recently, during a program when he was asked whether he considered himself a star. Let us know what answer Vicky gave to this question-

Amitabh Bachchan and shahrukh khan are stars. 

In response to the question whether actor vicky kaushal considers himself a star or not, he said, 'See, being a star does not mean that one of your films becomes a hit and you become a star or you become a social star. Started trending in the media and became a star. Being a star is a big thing in itself. When you become like rajesh khanna amitabh bachchan or shahrukh khan in terms of popularity, then consider yourself a star and not before that.

Youth is confused 

on doing dangerous stunts in films himself . vicky kaushal continues his point and says, 'The meaning of being a star is different in every era. Today youth feel that if they are trending then they are stars. This is their mistake. Stardom is a big thing. Neither does anyone get it instantly nor are stars instantly forgotten. It is difficult to get stardom like rajesh khanna or amitabh bachchan in today's times.

Vicky does not consider himself a star. 

Vicky Kaushal does not consider himself a star right now. During this interview, while explaining the definition of a star, Vicky says, 'At present I do not consider myself a star. For me the definition of star and stardom is a little different. Look, when one of your films is released and the audience comes to the cinema hall just for you, then you are a star. When your fans buy tickets and come to the theater just to see you, without caring about the story of the film, you only care about the hero, then you understand that you have become a star.

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