Faced rejection due to height, longed to become a lead actress...

Sekar Chandra
Faced rejection due to height, longed to become a lead actress... 

Everyone has their own story of making a successful career in Bollywood. Some get the benefit of nepotism while others yearn for a role. A similar story is also of the actress who is celebrating her birthday today. This beauty, who is 39 years old today, once spent a lot of money to get the role of a lead actress in the film industry.

The actress we are talking about is Nusrat Bharucha, who made her bollywood debut with the film 'Jai santoshi Maa'. The actress is celebrating her birthday today. Nusrat's initial career was slow but she got real recognition from the films 'LSD' and 'Pyaar Ka Punchnama 2'. But before achieving this stardom, Nusrat had to data-face many rejections.

'Unfortunately I had no option...'

While talking to shilpa shetty in a talk show, Nusrat Bharucha told how she was repeatedly rejected due to her short height. He said- 'Right from the beginning, I data-faced maximum rejection due to my short height. Due to your short height, people used to say that you cannot become a heroine. We make you friends or something. So unfortunately I had no option.

Became a star with this trick!

Nusrat further said- 'I again said, one second, someone has invented heels, if I wear them then I will come in the frame with the hero. Who knows how many inches there are down there. I have used this trick and people have started noticing it. Like in dil Chori, I had kept the saree long so that the heels could be covered and it would not be known that she was dancing on such long heels and it would appear as if she was long. But people caught hold of it and I said, 'Okay, let's dance in heels only.'

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