Kamal's Indian 2 release date announced..!?

Sowmiya Sriram

Kamal's Indian 2 release date announced..!?

 Indian 2 directed by shankar and starring Kamalwas launched many years ago. But due to various problems in between, the film is just getting ready for release. Accordingly, the producer had announced a few weeks ago that it would be released in June. But due to some technical delay, there was a problem with the release date. Disgruntled fans continued to question the update. However, news also leaked in the media that the film will definitely be released in July. Accordingly, the film team has now announced the poster of when an indian grandfather is coming. Apart from that, they have also announced that the first song of the film will be released on the 22nd.

In that way, Indian 2 will be released on July 12 worldwide. Anirudh has composed the music for the film which will be released in Tamil, Telugu, and hindi languages. The much-anticipated film is expected to cross the Rs 1000 crore mark. Indian 2 directed by shankar and starring Kamalwas launched many years ago. But due to various problems in between, the film is just getting ready for release. Accordingly, the producer had announced a few weeks ago that it would be released in June. The film team has now announced the poster of when an indian grandfather is coming. Apart from that, they have also announced that the first song of the film will be released on the 22nd.

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