What is Niharika's monthly earnings?

What is Niharika's monthly earnings?

Popular indian influencer niharika shone at the Cannes Film festival for the third time. Neeharika voiced a character in the super hit animated sitcom 'Big Mouth' on Netflix. So she went to Cannes for the promotion of that series. Neiharika's life is a good example that if you work hard for your dreams, you can rise somewhere in life.

No job at Google...

Born and brought up in Bangalore, niharika completed her graduation degree from BMS College. Later, he went to Chapman university in California, USA to do his MBA. After completing her MBA, Neeharika got a job in google with a good package. But Neeharika said no to Google's offer. Decided to take up content creation as a full-time career. The first pay check he took... was much higher than Google's salary.

Neeharika has more than three million followers on Instagram. A company called HypAuditor conducted a survey on instagram influencers with over 1 million followers. According to this survey, an influencer with one million followers earns an average of $15,356 per month. Based on this, Niharika's monthly income is very easy and may be between Rs 20 lakh to Rs 30 lakh per month.

There are three degrees... there is not a single reason...

Neeharika said that she got a job offer from google when the corona virus pandemic was almost over. The reason for rejecting this offer is also given. He said that it was his parents' dream to get a job at google but not his dream. He said that he has done three degrees so far but now he doesn't see a single reason to do them.

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