I Don't Know What Rave Party is - Srikanth

S Venkateshwari
"Earlier, these people got me divorced from my wife, and now they've sent me to a rave party in Bangalore and arrested me," jokes star srikanth, satirising how certain YouTube videos are genuinely harming his reputation. Following rumours that the senior actor attended a Bangalore rave party last night and was detained in a police raid, the actor clarified to telugu media.

"I'm happy at home, but some thumbnails on YouTube made me sad because they said 'hero srikanth got imprisoned in a rave party'. Except for birthday celebrations, I have no idea what these rave events are about because I have never gone to one. Please don't trust bogus news or carry videos with phoney thumbnails," srikanth remarked in response to the rumours around him.

On the other hand, while the allegations concerning the actor's name may be false, police in Bangalore Electronic City raided a rave party last night and detained a number of telugu TV stars, actresses, and models. police allegedly confiscated 17 grammes of MDMA and cocaine during the party. More than a dozen expensive automobiles were confiscated inside the property, along with an ap Minister's badge.

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