The Birthday Boy.. Perfect Comedy Drama!

Sindujaa D N
It is known that the mind set of movie lovers has completely changed. If you like the content, regardless of budget, casting, etc., the movie is going to be a hit. New content is welcomed. They are leaning towards movies coming in different genres. In repeat mode, huge profits are offered. Proving that content is king.Recently, another movie in the same category is preparing to come before the audience. The birthday boy movie is being made as a comedy entertainer in a different genre. ravi Krishna, sameer Malla and rajeev Kankala are acting in the lead roles. The film is directed by Vischi and produced by vamsi under the banner of Bomma Borusa. Ji is producing. The makers released the title glimpses of the film, which is already shooting, on Friday.The title glimpse begins with a funny conversation between two friends. The actor says that he is watching a new movie called The Birthday Boy. After that the makers introduced the other characters of the film. Funny data-faces were shown. But the netizens say that the title is of the Glimpse variety. It is said that the concept seems to be new. director Vischi said that every role in The Birthday Boy movie is entertaining. "We are making this film based on an incident that happened to five childhood friends when they went abroad to study M.S. We will use sync sound for naturalness.

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