Actor Life-Threatening Accident ...!?


When he got injured in an accident, his leg had to be amputated, he had to undergo 23 surgeries in 3 years... now this superstar is a millionaire.

Actor Life-Threatening Accident: A superstar of the South industry had such a terrible accident that it took him years to recover. He remained bedridden for 3 years and then underwent 23 surgeries, the story of this actor is painful.

Actor Life-Threatening Accident

 Be it bollywood or South industry, the actors who have become superstars today have once data-faced very struggling days. There is one such superstar in tamil cinema as well. It took him 10 years to make his mark in the film industry. His life changed when he had a terrible accident andhe was bedridden for three years.

This actor is Chiyaan Vikram who is a big name in South Cinema. But there was a time in his life when he went through evil days. He once had a terrible accident after which it came to the point of his leg being amputated. The actor, who was suffering from pain and discomfort, had to undergo 23 surgeries, and only then was he able to stand on his feet.

When the time came to amputate the leg

During the promotion of the film 'Thangalan', Chiyan vikram spoke openly about this accident that happened to him in an interview given to Ranveer Ahlabdia. He said- 'It was a bad accident, tough. When they took me to the hospital, they wanted to amputate my leg. It was so bad because if I had a cut, I would have probably bled. Because there was no cut, my bones were broken.'

The actor's pulse had stopped.

Chiyan said- 'My leg was swollen and my pulse had stopped. They did not know what to do in the government hospital, they said let's amputate his leg. In those days, if you had an accident, it was a police case. So you had to take that person to the government hospital. They did not have the tools to amputate my leg. So I was taken to a private hospital and some magic happened. They took out blood and my pulse came back.'

Stayed in bed for 3 years, andunderwent 23 surgeries

The actor said that he was in bed for three years and during this time he had to undergo 23 surgeries. When he recovered, 5 years after the accident, he went to the same doctor who had suggested that his leg be amputated. Even that doctor was surprised to see Chiyaan vikram standing on his feet.

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