In the village of Anjanadri, a mischievous boy named Hanuman (Teja Sajja) engages in petty thefts, his antics peppered with a fondness for amrita (Amrita Iyer) that has developed since childhood. However, their lives take a drastic turn when they find themselves at odds with the Palegals, who have besieged their village. In their attempt to protect amrita from the threat posed by the Palegals, they data-face Bandupots, leading to a perilous situation. In an act of bravery, Hanuman dives into the ocean that lies between the realms of the living and the dead. Surviving this enigmatic experience, Hanuman emerges from the depths with newfound, extraordinary powers. This transformation from an ordinary mischievous boy to an immensely powerful figure becomes the central mystery of the narrative.
The story unfolds as Hanuman grapples with and embraces the consequences of his newfound abilities, and the challenges he data-faces in navigating this extraordinary change. As the plot progresses, the audience is taken on a journey through the mystical and supernatural elements that define Hanuman's evolution. The tale explores the origins of his powers, the mystical forces at play, and the impact of these changes on his life and relationships.
Against the backdrop of Anjanadri, the narrative weaves a fantastical story that combines elements of bravery, mysticism, and the transformative power of extraordinary experiences.