INSIDE STORY: Star Hero is drinking the blood of producers?

The guy we are talking about is one of the star heroes of this generation who commands huge following in both the Telugu States. The actor is recently trying to expand his market in other territories as well. He bagged a blockbuster last year and immediately hiked his remuneration following that success to cash the demand.

He is now charging any where between 20 Crore to 25 Crore. He is already shooting for a film and has committed to 3-4 producers. The trick is that he gives his commitment only if they pay 10 Crore as advance. Usually, the producers get the hero's commitment paying an advance of 10-15% of the total remuneration. But this guy is making hay when the sun shines.

The amount he got as advance was put into finance business making big bucks to him. More over, he takes a minimum of one year to complete a film so we can guess when the last producer will get his chance. But then our producers are also like that running after success and falling prey to unreasonable demands of the star heroes and producers.

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