Sister kicks Nitin!

Rama Rao
Young hero Nitin may be the blue eyed boy of producers at present after the success after two golden hits Ishq and Gunde Jaari Gallantayyinde. But he has no filmy knowledge as it can be visible in his early career.

During his early days he data-faced 13 consecutive flops. Nitin's sister who happened to watch Nitin's one of those disasters couldn't bear the comments of the movie lovers and viewers. 

Right after coming out of the theater she kicked Nitin for his dumbo attitude and gave left and right on how to select films. Sister's kicks later ensured Nitin's success. Nitin himself is not ashamed to admit this and he proudly says more than anyone else in his family his sister loves him and is his best critic. 

He even says she will not tolerate anyone who talks bad of her brother!

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