Why is Kona Venkat thanking Samantha?

saraswathi nikhil
Heroine Samantha is undoubtedly the number one heroine in Tollywood and she still has a bunch of films with top league heroes. Meanwhile it is heard that she has come forward to give a break to star writer Kona Venkat’s family.  It is heard that Kona’s sister Kona Neeraja has been hired as Samantha’s personal stylist.

It is an important part of a heroine’s coterie that she must have an efficient stylist as that person can present the heroine in different formats. By giving that chance to Neeraja, Samantha has proved to be a kind hearted girl who believes in giving genuine talent the right opportunity. Kona Venkat didn’t hesitate to thank Samantha for that.


It is heard that Kona Venkat is concentrating on preparing a good script so that he can take the megaphone and make his debut as a director. As for Samantha, she has been busy with shootings of films like ‘Attarintiki Daaredi’ and right now she is busy with ‘Ramayya Vastavayya’ shooting. 

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