Nancy Pelosi will lead bipartisan to India


Washington sources have stated that the leader of the Democratic Party in the House of Representatives Nancy Pelosi will lead a bipartisan Congressional delegation to India, Nepal, Germany and Belgium focusing on national security, the global economy, bilateral and multilateral relations and human rights.

Meanwhile Pelosi said in a statement that “Our bipartisan delegation travels at a vital time in the U.S. relationship with India, Nepal and our NATO partners”.

She had also stated that “Our delegation looks forward to meetings on how we can strengthen our economic and security relationships, as well as addressing challenges ranging from regional Russian aggression to global human rights”.
It was also stated that other members of the delegation are Representatives Jim Sensenbrenner (Republican, Wisconsin), Eliot Engel (Democrat, New York), Jim McGovern (Democrat, Massachusetts, Betty McCollum (Democrat, Massachusetts), Judy Chu (Democrat, California), Joyce Beatty (Democrat, Ohio), and Pramila Jayapal (Democrat, Washington).

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