BJP doesn't have any rights to call me as Anti-Hindu slams Mamata Didi

S Venkateshwari
The bjp has no right to label me anti-Hindu. mamata banerjee, the chief minister of West Bengal, has stated that our party has a temple, a mosque, and a church named after it (TMC). mamata banerjee has already stated that the trinamool congress will run in all of Goa's assembly constituencies next year. mamata banerjee has traveled to goa for a two-day trip to meet with various political parties. 

In the presence of mamata banerjee, tennis player Leander Paes, bollywood actresses Nabisha ali and Mirnalini Deshprabhu joined the trinamool congress during a ceremony in Panaji. Speaking at the event, Didi said, "We've come to goa to run in the elections next year, not to split the vote. goa is a robust and self-sufficient coastal state. The people of delhi will not run this state. The trinamool congress will never divide individuals based on their religious beliefs.

Because our party's name (TMC) contains a temple, a mosque, and a church (Chruch). On all of my banners and posters, the bjp has obscured my data-face. The indian people, on the other hand, will undoubtedly destroy the bjp one day. I was greeted by posters covering my data-face when I landed in Goa. You can decline permission by waving a black flag. The bjp, on the other hand, is well aware that the trinamool congress will never compromise."

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