Telangana’s U-turn on closing government schools

saraswathi nikhil
Three days after announcing that it would be shutting down government schools with low enrollments, the state government of Telangana did a U-turn adding that no schools will be shut down in the state. The earlier decision for shutting down government schools, mostly English medium ones, with low enrollment was announced but as cover up education minister Jagdishwar Reddy said that the government is not doing this with schools. Sources say that Chief Minister KCR lashed out at the minister and also top officials for the decision taken regarding shutting down schools, which forced them to reverse it. Jagdishwar Reddy is reportedly blaming the school education commissioner for the mess. This is even as the decision received flak from all quarters in the state. All parties lashed out at the government which stunned KCR who immediately blasted the minister to take a U turn! This incident will be remembered by the opposition parties for some time. 

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