Reality Check- Have you hoisted your flag today

saraswathi nikhil
 Today, we observe our Republic Day and ideally this is an important part of our lives because the constitution was formed for our societal living. But times have changed and many look at Republic Day more as a holiday to chill out at homes than understanding the essence and significance.  Have we asked ourselves something like does republic day only get observed at schools? Will it have no effect on teens of today? These youngsters are the future of India and how many of them actually consider it their duty to take part in a Republic Day celebration? Less number of people are attending flag hoisting and the number is decreasing each year.  How many people have actually pinned national flag to their shirts? It can be said that everyone have taken for granted the independence without knowing the sacrifice, pain & agony our freedom fighters went through to get us a free India with proper constitution to move forward creating new India with standards. For that matter, how many of us really remember and sing our national anthem? Spare few minutes on this and you would get the answers.

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