Total Solar Eclipse falls on July 2

According to sources the total solar eclipse will occur on July 2 which is likely to last for four minutes and 33 seconds, over the south Pacific Ocean region and this will be the only total solar eclipse which will take place this year. Furthermore the solar eclipse will be going through a 6,000 mile path, however, only a narrow zone of the Pacific Ocean and South America comes in the path of totality, according to a report by a weather channel.

Reportedly the eclipses will cask dark shadows over some parts of chile and argentina and remote areas of south Pacific and a partial eclipse will be visible in the neighboring countries in south America. The total solar eclipse is a phenomenon when the sun, moon and the Earth are in a straight line and are data-aligned in such a way the moon blocks the sun's rays from reaching the earth.

Moreover the solar eclipses umbra will be in contact with the earth for 161 minutes but only during its final four minutes, it will make a second landfall reaching central chile at 04:39 pm local time. From there, the shadow will go towards the east-southeast direction through central argentina. Perhaps the majority of the solar eclipses path will be falling over the south Pacific Ocean, according to a report by

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