KCRs Deadline for TSRTC Employees ended


According to sources rtc JAC convener ashwathama Reddy has appealed to the rtc employees not to fear the deadline set by the trs government. Previously on saturday, cm kcr has called out all the employees to join their duties by november 5th midnight and with tuesday being the last day, there is a panic among employees.

Recently rtc JAC has clarified that the strike will go and there is no need to fear the government's deadline. Convener ashwathama reddy said "Employees need to stay strong during these tough times as the ultimate victory will be ours and the telangana High Court's verdict will be in our favor on november 7th, so nobody should join the duties". Furthermore on the other hand, rtc employees are least bothered about cm KCR's deadline as so far only 26 of them have joined the services across the state.

Apparently a few of them returned to strike again. With the deadline just hours away, there is a tension among rtc employees union as they are firm on the demands and want to hold talks with government.

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