Within 3 Weeks Vizag Divers removed 4000 Kg plastics from Sea


As per report Subhash Chandran, a scuba diving instructor, was out for a swim with a friend near Rushikonda beach in Vizag. Subhash says “While we were swimming, plastic waste kept getting stuck to our legs. We went back and got our masks just to have a look and we were shocked when we saw the amount of plastic”.  Furthermore Subhash, along with his diver friend, did not just go back to the shore or move to a cleaner spot to continue their swim. Instead, they dove in and started to remove the plastic.  Subhash says “That day itself, we removed around 400 to 500 kg of plastic”.

Perhaps Subhash runs a recreational scuba diving venture called Platypus Escapes from Rushikonda, where he works as a scuba diving instructor. Furthermore the remaining professional divers who are part of the clean-up mission have all been certified from Platypus Escapes, which is affiliated with SSI (Scuba Schools International), Subhash tells. “We care about the environment. We also want to make efforts towards marine conservation, maybe even start plantation of corals which we’ve done in Andaman”.

Moreover Subhash says that unless people stop throwing garbage in the sea or are penalized for doing so, especially at processions during festivals, the danger of plastic pollution remains. 

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