Private medical & Dental colleges in Telangana increased fees by 5%


Reportedly private medical and dental colleges in telangana have demanded that the fees be hiked by 5% taking into consideration inflation, maintenance of infrastructure etc. Meanwhile this even as the telangana State Admission and Fee Regulatory Committee (TSAFRC) is expected to soon revise the fee structure for the academic years 2020-2023. 


Furthermore the present fee structure for the MBBS 'A' category (convenor quota) is Rs 60,000, 'B' category (management quota) is Rs 11.55 lakh and 'C' category (NRI quota) is Rs 23.10 lakh and the private colleges said that the hike is inevitable owing to inflation. "Though we can't dictate much, the fee should be increased, we want the TSAFRC to hike the fee by 5%," C lakshmi narayana rao, telangana Private Medical and Dental Colleges Association President said. junior doctors have appealed to the TSAFRC to be considerate while hiking the fee. They claim that the private colleges have been hiking fees by 5% every year.


Moreover Dr K mahesh, President of Healthcare Reforms Doctors Association (HRDA), an association of junior doctors, alleged that the TSAFRC should consider the fact that the private colleges have been hiking 5% of fee annually for UG courses though the TSAFRC never made such a recommendation. Perhaps lamenting about the impending hike, mahesh said, “Education should not be commercialised. If it is commercialised, the doctors would only think of repaying the fee by charging the public.”

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