PM Modi saluted Indian Scientists for their work


According to sources prime minister narendra modi on friday saluted the talent and tenacity of indian scientists on the National Science Day. PM said their innovative zeal and pioneering research has helped india and the world and added may indian science continue to thrive and may our young minds develop even greater curiosity towards science. Accordingly National Science Day is an occasion to salute the talent and tenacity of our scientists.


Meanwhile G Geetha, professor and Head, Division of Research and Development at lovely professional university (LPU) in punjab, emphasised on closing the gender gap, and moving towards women led projects in science. She noted that out of the 560 awardees of Shanti Swarup Bhatnagar prize for Science and technology, only 18 recipients have been women. The prize is one of the highest multidisciplinary science awards in India.


Moreover Gagandeep Kang, professor in the Department of Gastrointestinal Sciences at the christian Medical college in tamilnadu believes that there is a lot of work to be done to build an understanding of the process and outputs of science a spirit of inquiry, and a deep trust in science and scientists. She said that means we are unable to grow up to global standards, and there are few areas that she is aware of where an indian group is among the world leaders.

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