New York Times Front Page

Chowdary Sirisha

The New York Times is an American based daily founded in 1851. 170 years old new paper had it’s own mark in journalism. On May 24th, the daily published list of deceased persons of coronavirus in united states instead of regular political banner items. The coronavirus pandemic has been described as an invisible war, but the only comparable figures come from conflicts long in our rearview mirror.

US is still remains in top in list both in positive cases and in deaths as well. Around 16 lakh positive cases reported in US and 98K deaths because of coronavirus. By the end of May 24th, the number of deaths in united states touches 100K (1 lakh) mark. This is the second loss after vietnam War. 57K US people (including soldiers) died in prolonged war. Now, the death toll has surpassed the number of U.S. soldiers killed in combat during the nine-year-long vietnam War.

The New York Times put the heading as “U.S. DEATHS NEAR 100,000, AN INCALUCABLE LOSS”. The list contains the name of the person, age and place. There are diversified opinions on printing the name in front page of the daily. Some feel that it’s creative idea of the NY Times and it’s right to pay tributes to them. Others said that it takes low in journalism. Some other said to the editor of NY Times to send the list to White House.

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