Skull cap politics by parties

Our politicians have set up a horrendous tradition. Every non-Muslim politician seeking votes of Muslims has to wear a skull cap for a few seconds – time enough for photos this, they say, assures that the vote seeker is not anti-Muslim. All vote seekers decorate themselves with skull caps so as not to attract the odium of being anti-Muslim. Most probably Election Commission has not noticed it – or, has it winked at it? – Since this skull cap decoration is designed to attract votes on a religious basis. The Secular Champions should object to this pandering to the whims of people who confirm those skull cap wearers as PRO-MUSLIM Reports have occasionally appeared of Muslim vote seekers refusing to light a lamp at election meeting venues. They say that lighting a lamp is a religious symbol Some of the leaders, when meat-containing snacks were served at such venues refused to eat them because it is not confirmed that the meat used was healed – a religious requirement. Modi’s refusal to wear a skull-cap was dubbed by the Secular Crusader Congress as an “unmistakable signal of his bias and bigotry” .It is fine and is a salutary principle and indicates that if a politician does not flaunt the symbol of a religion, then he will “unmistakably” declare himself as biased and bigoted against that religion.  Extending the same logic Rahul has not got a clean shaven head with a tuft, and does not sport any Hindu symbol – either the Vaishnav naamam, nor Saivate tripundram, nor Vibhuthi, nor even a bottu. So it is clear that Rahul is biased and an anti-Hindu BIGOT. His mother, Sonia has proved a law breaker when she wanted to have a darsan of Lord Venkateswara at Tirumala, Law required that sheshould sign a declaration that she has faith in Hinduism. She simplybrushed aside the requirement, and breaking the Law brashly walked inside. The two instances prove that the Mother and Son duo was Anti-Hindu

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