Hunger and poverty:End them up in the Sweat shops and slavery!!!

We know about the slave trade, that prevailed a few centuries bcak.This slave trade has brought in the; ’Negros’ from the dark continent of Africa to the shores of America, for fulfilling the roles of cheap labour in the fields. The plight and the misery, that prevailed in the lives of those Black slaves is already a theme for many of the writings of the authors and journalists. And this tragic story is suooposed to have come to an end, with the American civil war and the banishment of the Slavery, by the then U.S president Abraham Lincoln. But, in fact after centuries of this so called liberation, we still listen to the stories of discrimination against the Blacks, in matters of employment to the criminal justice in U.S.A. With all these nuances of the story going along, U.S has ultimately found solace in its conscience, by electing Barack Obama as its first ever black president.  That is about the ‘Super Power’ USA.But, matters turn out to be no different or else far worse, when it comes to the so called emerging countries. India, an aspirant for the role of the super powerdom, is no exception to this. The financial misery and plight of the poor does turn them into the targets of the vultures looking for dirt cheap labor, in order to run the factories and be the bolts and nuts of the anachronistic 19th century bonded labor . Latest is the case reported in a leading daily of the country; where in 34 boys in the age group of 13-18,who are residents of a children’s home for boys in Tamilnadu; were lured in by the middlemen,for a flight into the land of ‘well paid employment, food and lodging too. ‘The parents of these children do easily fall prey to the traffickers and middlemen, who approach them with big promises and the payment in cash of a pittance. Here in our present case, the destination of these 34 children is the ‘Tirupur city ’, where in they would have to work as labourers in a textile factory. Once these children reach the Promised Land and be part of the labour force in the ‘job’, the misery that strikes them in fact reminds us of the 19th century world of wage labourers. It is almost the same plight that is befalling the poor and destitute youth and children, across most of the developing world. With the Globalization, and the attendant cut throat competition amongst the countries, to produce goods and services at the cheapest possible cost, the poor and the migrant people are falling prey to the modern sweat shops. Even the scenario in China is supposed to be no better, if not worse. There the term ‘Ant Tribe’ has come into popular parlance, for these poor and aspiring youth; who have migrated to the urban areas, with a hope of landing up in a promising job.  Much worse case scenarios, like the poor selling their children away, out of the financial compulsions and those of the parents who sell their kidneys to get by in life are not uncommon too, for us in India. Thus the inclusive growth, which our rulers never rest to trumpet about is only a mirage for the toiling millions, who got no other go but to include their beloved children as spare parts in these sweat shops and drudgery...  

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