Is NTV founder to be targeted!!!???

frame Is NTV founder to be targeted!!!???

Mamatha Reddy.
The issue of jubilee hills housing society has turned a new twist. Actually, a rumuor was spread that the recent elections were seemed to be a war between tv channel authorities like TV5 and NTV. Again the issue was diverted towards the crime route. Recently, a case was registered on NTV head Tummala narendra Chowdary, based on jubilee hills Housing society irregularities. He worked as a former president for the society. He became the president of jubilee hills Cooperative house Building Society in 2005.

The jubilee hills police on saturday registered a case against T narendra Chowdary, former jubilee hills Cooperative Housing Society president and founder of telugu news channel NTV, and several others in connection with the plot scam in the upmarket area that he violated the rules of society and registered 853F plot by forgering signatures. The case was also registered on P. hanumantha rao, suresh reddy, Ch.Krishnamurthy, srinivas reddy, Md.Javeduddin, Ch.Sirisha, srihari including banjara hills zone sub registrars. Usually if there any property dispute, it will be between the people sold it and people bought it. But here the president was also brought into the news which was unusual. It has to be known that whether it happened only to target those people intentionally for some settlement.

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