Chitraa Ramakrishna, a former head, has been arrested on suspicion of revealing secret information on the National Stock Exchange. Chitraa Ramakrishnaa is the former Chairman and Executive director of the National Stock Exchange (NSE). From 2013 to 2016, he was in charge. He then resigned due to personal reasons. As part of a succession of financial decisions and appointments, he was investigated for several violations in the National Stock Exchange throughout his term.
Chitraa ramakrishna was accused of basing his NSE decision on the counsel of a Himalayan preacher and consulting him by revealing NSE's classified data. Officials from the cbi have filed a FIR in this case. Sanjay Guptaa, managing director of OPG Securities, has filed a complaint against NSE authorities. From 2010 to 2014, it appears that many stock market frauds were perpetrated using the stock exchange's computer servers.
The cbi is looking into it. In Mumbai, income tax officials raided Chitraa Ramakrishna's house and office, as well as the offices of several other officials. Chitraa ramakrishna was also the subject of a thorough probe by the CBI. Former Chitra ramakrishna COOs anand Subramaniam and ravi Naarayan were also barred from travelling abroad by the CBI. cbi agents later apprehended Anandh Subramaniam.