Sri Lanka Economic Crisis: School exams canceled??

S Venkateshwari
Sri Lanka Economic Crisis: school exams canceled??

Sri Lanka is currently going through a serious economic crisis. Along with food and drink, there is a huge shortage of energy and medicine in the country. This week the Sri Lankan Finance minister visited india for the signing of the bailout package.

 1. school exam canceled 

Sri Lanka, which is facing a serious economic crisis, has also lacked the essentials. school examinations have been canceled due to a lack of paper in the country. The country going through a bad economic situation has also appealed to india for help. 

 2. india has given 1 billion dollars in aid

Recently, india has given a loan of one billion dollars to sri lanka, which is facing a severe economic crisis, for the purchase of food products, medicines, and other essentials. The government of sri lanka had also appealed to the central government for help.

3. Biggest recession since 1948

Sri Lanka is facing its worst financial crisis since independence in 1948. The condition of the country's economy is so bad that people are not able to get even cheap bread and ration. The power crisis is also very high. The country is completely dependent on imports for its oil requirements.

4. Disappointed with China, sri lanka has hopes from India

Sri Lanka's Foreign minister Basil Rajapaksa said on his visit to india that the relations between india and sri lanka are very old. There are not only economic and strategic but also cultural ties between the two countries. Rajapaksa, while thanking india for its help in difficult times, said that india has helped sri lanka on every difficult front. 

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