Sensationals by Modi Sarkar in eight years!!

Sindujaa D N

Controversial decisions .. Many laws .. Key steps .. Criticism from the Opposition .. narendra modi has completed eight years as the prime minister after enduring all these. Today marks the 8th anniversary of the nda government that came to power in 2014. narendra modi, who was the prime minister during this period, took several key steps. Some controversial decisions were made. They were able to withstand any criticism from the opposition. However, narendra modi has lagged behind in some matters, such as 'not always a decline .. but an occasional downfall ..' They were able to act accordingly in extreme cases of public opposition. Since the nda came to power in 2014, the nda government has repealed a total of 1,500 laws. The home Ministry said 25,000 items in the law had been removed. Let us know about the sensational decisions taken by Modi on this occasion.

Narendra Modi is now a world-renowned leader not only across the country. He has toured many countries since coming to power. Sensational decisions are being made by meeting the respective heads of state from time to time. He met with Biden while maintaining relations with Russia. Modi's decision in the wake of the Russia-Ukraine war was universally applauded. Also, various heads of state were shocked that the war was paused for a single word asked by Modi. narendra modi, who is well known abroad, has come under fire for criticizing some of the laws in the country. Farmers in particular were outraged by the introduction of farmer laws. The apex court also opposed Modi's decision on the treason law.

Agricultural Laws: The nda government has introduced farmer laws to make agriculture profitable. Four types of laws were passed in both houses. However, they strongly objected that these laws would be unfair to the farmers. The agitation, which started in punjab and Uttar Pradesh, continued for a year with delhi as the venue. Any attempt by Modi to quell this concern was in vain. No matter how many hardships came, the farmers continued to worry. With this, Modi backtracked on these laws. In november 2011 it was announced that cultivation laws would be repealed.

Treason Act: Criticizing the government .. The nda government's decision to charge those who speak out against the government under the Treason Act has been widely criticized. The court was outraged at the Center as some had approached the supreme court in the matter. However, the Center told the supreme court that it was ready to reconsider the colonial law. The Center also informed the states that no FIR has been registered under Section 124A of the indian Penal Code.

Article 370 repealed: The nda government has taken a sensational decision to convert the repealed Articles 370 in kashmir - SRINAGAR/JAMMU' target='_blank' title='jammu and kashmir-Latest Updates, Photos, Videos are a click away, CLICK NOW">jammu and kashmir into Union Territories. The Center has not backed down despite strong criticism from some quarters over the decision taken in 2019. It is also funding development here as in other parts of the country.

Land Acquisition Bill: This is a sensational decision taken in 2015 after the nda came to power. However, it agreed to reconsider after receiving criticism from some sections of the farmers. Modi took this decision to carry out land acquisition without the permission of the landowners as well as to carry out social impact assessment. Although the bill was passed in the Lok Sabha, it lost in the Upper House.

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